How to make a coffee and hanuta milkshake Recipe

Coffee and hanuta milkshake Ingredients

  • 100 ml of filtered coffee.
  • 100 ml of ice cream.
  • 100 ml of milk.
  • Chocolate cover.
  • A Hanuta cookie.
  • Syrup.
  • A serving container.
  • A weighbridge.

Coffee and hanuta milkshake Recipe

We take our grass and the blender. Now we are going to discount the weight of the blender in the weighbridge and we begin to add our ingredients one by one, starting with the coffee. We put the 100 ml of coffee, add the ice cream, add the milk, and finally, the hanuta cookie. And now yes, to stir.

Now we take our container; With the syrup and the chocolate cover, we Michelate the glass and we only have to serve the drink. This is how we have our Hanuta milkshake!

Now that you have seen how easy and fast it is to prepare coffee of excellent quality and flavor at home, go ahead and try it yourself and surprise those you love the most.